The Institute of Technological Research is an institute created in 1899 and, since the beginning of its activities, has been working with the development of materials technologies. Throughout its history, the IPT made important contributions in different phases of the installation and development of the state and national industrial park.

It played an important role in the early twentieth century by working intensely in the development of methods of applying technologies for the construction of buildings with reinforced concrete. It supported the implementation of the Brazilian steel and aeronautical industries. It strongly supported the construction cycle of the national hydroelectric plants and the nascent defense industry. It has also worked with the oil and gas industry and, more recently, has made efforts to develop the areas of nanotechnology and development of processes for obtaining lighter materials.

The Institute has five laboratories that act in a direct way with the Material Technology Development and High Performance:

  • Laboratory of Metallurgical Processes
  • Laboratory of Protection and Corrosion
  • Laboratory of Processes and Particles
  • Laboratory of Construction Materials
  • Laboratory of Light Structures
  • Laboratory of Chemical Analysis

In addition to the Institute’s laboratory infrastructure and research staff, there are supporting areas that assist in the management of processes that support the conduction of research on customer prospecting, contract negotiation, intellectual property management, project management, and monitoring and accounting.

About Unit IPT Materials

Contact: Beatriz Nogueira


Address: Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, 532 - Cidade Universitária

Postal Code: 05508-901

City: São Paulo

State: SP

Redes Embrapii

Rede de Inovação em Mobilidade Rota 2030
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em Grafeno


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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