The Campos dos Goytacazes Innovation Pole (PICG) is an accredited unit to operate in Cleaner Production Technologies (P&L), in the sub-areas: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources of Energy; Reduction, Treatment and Reuse of Waste; and Rational Use of Water Resources.

To develop technologies in these areas, the PICG acts in an interdisciplinary way, making use of its transversal competences. As an example of the EMBRAPII projects of the PICG, the following ones stand out:

  • Sensors Network for Aquaculture of Precision
  • Pipeline Inspection Robot
  • Reverse Logistics System

About the PICG
The Agro-Environmental Research and Extension Unit (UPEA) was implemented on the campus of the Federal Fluminense Institute in 2007, being elevated to the EMBRAPII Innovation Pole level in 2015. In the following year, the Reference Center for Embedded and Aerospace Systems (CRSEA) was incorporated as a subunit expanding its scope and capacity of action. The PICG is installed in a sustainable and intelligent campus in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, in the north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, counting on the following laboratories:

  • LabFoz: Water Monitoring Laboratory
  • LabHydra: Laboratory of Hydrology
  • LeBio: Biofuels and Waste Treatment Laboratory
  • LabFV: Laboratory of Photovoltaic Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • LabMec: Laboratory of Mechanics
  • CriaLab: Creation and Prototyping Laboratory
  • CRSEA: Reference Center on Aerospace Embedded Systems, formed by:
    – LabRo: Robotics Laboratory
    – LabTele: Telecommunications Laboratory
    – LC²: Laboratory of Scientific Computing
    – LEIA: Laboratory of Electronics, Instrumentation and Automation

About Unit IF Fluminense


Contact: Rogerio Atem de Carvalho


Address: Rua Coronel Walter Kramer, 357 - Parque Santo Antônio

Postal Code: 28080-565

City: Campos dos Goytacazes

State: RJ

Redes Embrapii



Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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