Embrapii Unit Computer Vision Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Connectivity | FITec Belo Horizonte

FITec BH has been promoting digital transformation in the industry for over 20 years. As an EMBRAPII Unit, we are a reference in Computer Vision Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Connectivity, enabling us to serve companies in the development of technological innovation solutions involving:

• Equipment and Devices for Integration into IoT Platforms: comprises electronic technologies such as digital processing for the development of equipment, devices and embedded systems (hardware and firmware) for connectivity and integration of IoT platforms. It comprises all processes related to product development, such as design, schematic, layout, batteries, energy efficiency, RF, antennas, mechanics, EMC, thermal design, DFx, production process, interoperability, backwards compatibility and certification, including Inmetro, Anatel and others. Regarding connectivity, the competencies are focused on wireless networks and data connections for the Internet, protocols such as Mesh, Zigbee, Wi-SUN and LoRaWAN, algorithms and systems for connection and routing control, development of gateways and connectivity modules.

• Intelligent Software Systems for Digital Transformation: encompasses technologies for complex and interoperable systems, including secure transactions, critical algorithms, distributed processing, location intelligence and UX, based on modular software architectures with support for APIs and highly scalable, capable of support the digital transformation of partner industries. Some technologies used: indoor and outdoor geolocation for asset management; IoT for equipment remote management; Smart Metering/AMI; AI, Machine Learning and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, for optimization and prediction; Cloud computing; Web Services; Micro Services; use of Containers; Cybersecurity techniques to protect devices, systems and services; and mobile application development.

• Image Processing and Computer Vision: comprises techniques for organizing, analyzing data and information in order to provide assertive interventions and support decisions. FITec BH has expertise in: 3D image reconstruction; automatic character recognition (OCR); advanced image processing to enhance tissues and organs in medical images; Classical Computer Vision, such as HOG, SURF and Template Matching, which do not require large volumes of data for training and validation and do not demand large computational power; Contemporary Computer Vision techniques, such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Incremental Learning, AutoML, GAN, Convolutional Autoencoder, Transformers, used to perform object and anomaly detection, image segmentation and classification, with local and cloud inference; use of frameworks for Computer Vision (OpenCV, Pillow, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras).

The EmbrapiiI FITec Belo Horizonte Unit is a reference in the development of RD&I projects for companies, operating throughout the entire development cycle of innovative products and processes. Its activities range from conception to technology transfer to companies.

Its team has around 45 professionals, including doctors, masters, postgraduates and graduates, who work as researchers, developers, engineers, technicians and managers on projects for national and international industries. These professionals always stay up to date and in direct contact with the university, as students and also as teachers.

Sobre a Unidade Embrapii Unit FITec BH

Contato: Astrid Maria Carneiro Heinisch

E-mail: fitecbh.embrapii@fitec.org.br

Telefone: 55 31 991047923

Endereço: Av. Cristóvão Colombo, 485 - 8th floor

CEP: 30140-140

Cidade: Belo Horizonte

Estado: MG

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