The 32nd IraSME Call for international projects is now open!

Call for International Cooperation in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) projects

The purpose of the call is to support the development of new products, processes or technical services

IraSME is an initiative of several countries that, together, promote innovation in the industry through international collaborative projects

Countries participating in the 32nd IraSME Call: Brazil, Flanders (Belgium), Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey and Wallonia (Belgium)

Deadline for project submission: September 27, 2023

Projects approval and their direct hiring happens between the company and an EMBRAPII Unit (See Units at:

The company must finance at least ⅓ of the project total costs in financial resources. The total value of the projects is negotiated directly with the EMBRAPII Unit. Depending on the type of financing, the project may receive up to 50% of non-refundable resources.

For more information about the IraSME Call and access to the Guidelines:

Contact EMBRAPII via email:

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