Get to know the EMBRAPII Priority Program (PPI)

EMBRAPII is accredited by the Information Technology Area Committee (CATI) as coordinator of the Priority Program (PPI) in IoT/Manufacturing 4.0. This is an additional mechanism for companies benefiting from the IT Law (Act No. 8,248/1991) to comply with the legal responsibilities of investing in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities.

The Program allows the company to deposit the amount of technological activities in the PPI and, in doing so, comply with the obligation to obtain the tax benefit provided for in the Law.

Advantages of providing PPI to companies:

  • Agility, ease and zero bureaucracy
  • Ability to track how the resource is being used

From April 2020, all percentages of external and internal R&D expenditures can also be contributed in the IoT/Manufacturing 4.0 PPI, including investments from the regions of influence of Sudam (North), Sudene (Northeast) and the Midwest. With the revision of the Law, the PPI is also able to receive quarterly contributions to the National Fund of Science and Technology Development (FNDCT).

The funds contributed are used to strengthen RD&I activities in the areas that make up the program: IoT and Manufacturing 4.0.

Innovative companies that have a technological demand and that need support can look for EMBRAPII Units that work in these areas to contract RD&I projects in an agile and simplified way.

EMBRAPII IoT and Manufacturing 4.0 Network

EMBRAPII has 17 Units accredited by CATI to develop projects with the resources of PPI IOT/Manufacturing 4.0. They are research centers of excellence, operating throughout Brazil and recognized by their highly qualified professionals, ready to meet the industry’s demand for innovation.

Get to know each of our Units and see which one is ideal for the development of your project.

Technological competencies

EMBRAPII Units can meet several technological challenges related to IoT and Manufacturing 4.0. Get to know the technological skills where each one can act for the development of your project.


In just five years of operation, EMBRAPII has already developed more than 900 projects hired with 600 supported companies, which generated more than 300 industrial property deposits.

Agility, flexibility and efficiency are the company’s premises for solving the technological needs of the Brazilian industrial sector. Get to know some of the projects in the IoT and Manufacturing 4.0 area developed in the EMBRAPII model.


Technology developed for the company Salvus monitors and manages medical oxygen load and consumption.


Developed with the Exati Tecnologia startup, the project manages a wireless communication network, to which various devices for smart cities can be connected.


In the area of smart cities, low-cost, high-precision design is able to map weather data and prevent risks and losses.


Developed in partnership with General Motors, the project is an alternative to the automotive inspections that today are done manually.


Get to know the active logistics system for container boxes developed by EMBRAPII for the company Migra.


Understand the partnership between EMBRAPII and Novus in the sensing production for machines and industrial processes.



At PPI, companies have two types of support for projects. Check out how the process should be done and learn about both types.



  • TYPE 1:  when the project is implemented by a single company or when there are two or more companies involved and all those participating have Gross Operating Revenues (ROB) greater than R$ 90 million, the project is type 1. In this project type, the contribution reaches up to 1/3 of the project amount with non-refundable resources.

  • TYPE 2: it guarantees up to 50% of non-refundable resources for project development. In this case, at least one of the companies involved must have a Gross Operating Revenue (ROB) of the previous year equal to or less than R$ 90 million. Thus, EMBRAPII stimulates projects with startups and small companies.


To deposit, companies must visit and fill in the requested information.

The system will generate a payment slip to be paid at the bank. For every R$ 1 invested in the PPI, the company complies with R$ 1 of its responsibility under the IT Law.

Check the step by step to make your contribution!

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