• The company negotiates the project directly with the EMBRAPII Unit
  • Approval and direct hiring between the company and EMBRAPII Unit
  • The resources are available in the EMBRAPII Units
  • Continuous flow: at any moment, your company can carry out projects, without waiting for a bid
  • In a few months, the developed products collect taxes in values higher than that invested by EMBRAPII in its development

Supported projects*


Supported companies*




in corporate R&D projects*

*until september/2023

EMBRAPII participation



Reducing risk and cost of companies

Companies Participation



Leveraging private investment

Participation EMBRAPII Units





intellectual property requests

“The continuity of the RD&I project of our product was possible thanks to the partnership with EMBRAPII. We have overcome all the challenges because we could have a high technical level environment and an efficient management.”
Maristone Gomes
CEO of Salvus Startup
“EMBRAPII allows us to have access to highly trained researchers who bring knowledge into our industries.”
Jonas Belther
director of Mineral Exploration at Votorantim
“The aerospace industry is intensive in innovation and it demands continuous and growing investments. In the pre-competitive field, there are themes and research strands that may have repercussions on the business. The partnership with EMBRAPII is fundamental to reduce the distance between the scientific community and the industry. EMBRAPII stimulates true knowledge networks and allows a significant increase of competitiveness for the country.”
Daniel Moczydlower
Embraer Technology Development director
“Through experience, success, delivery, lack of bureaucracy and agility, EMBRAPII is the main partner of companies in the development of Research, Development and Innovation projects”.
Cesar Bellinati
director of Research and Development at Angelus
“EMBRAPII helps companies to adapt themselves to the Industry 4.0, bringing the concept into the factory by providing access to highly skilled professionals and internationally used technologies”.
Diego Barros Stelling
Quality, Engineering & Manufacturing manager for Fênix
“In order to consolidate the contributions of the new plant and prepare it within the concept of Industry 4.0, we sought for a partnership with EMBRAPII. The objective is improving productivity, competitiveness and quality through the application of economically viable digital resources to the company”.
Régis Sell Haubert
Exatron superintendent director
“We are stepping our way to the Industry 4.0 and EMBRAPII has been essential in this process, without it, we would certainly be at some steps behind, since this agreement brings agility, resources and technical competence”.
Thiago Samarino Lages
coordinator of Research and Development Organs
“For Lifemed, EMBRAPII’s support is the foundation for our RD&I strategy and also to leverage our capability to develop new products and technology”.
Leonardo Reichow
Lifemed R&D coordinator
“EMBRAPII represents the Brazilian modernization of the incentives to R&D. This statement is corroborated by the different Innovation awards that Ericsson’s projects, backed by EMBRAPII, have received in the recent months. Congratulations to EMBRAPII for its mastery on handling such a relevant initiative”.
Edvaldo Santos
Quality, Engineering & Manufacturing manager
“EMBRAPII is a fantastic partner, enabling innovative companies to access financing with less bureaucracy and more agility – fundamental to materialize our initiative that has led to the a patent request.”
Werter Padilha
CEO of Taggen Soluções IoT
“Working with EMBRAPII has exceeded expectations. The business model is very advantageous for the entrepreneur, especially the micro entrepreneur. The process is fast, without bureaucracy, direct and objective. EMBRAPII offers access to a competent, serious and dynamic team who meets schedules”.
Dra. Fanny Jitomirski
D-Express director
“In our innovation governance, we classify projects as ‘incremental’ or ‘transformational.’ In the second category, where both the risk and the potential for business benefit are greater, we need partners like EMBRAPII to bring knowledge and share the risk. For Nexa, innovation has always been a strategic factor for competitiveness. With EMBRAPII, we have done more than we could to do on our own”
Rodrigo Gomes
Innovation and Technology Manager
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