EMBRAPII Unit of Technologies associated with Powertrain | POLI/USP Powertrain – Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo

In the current scenario, which points to significant changes in worldwide Automotive Engineering and, also affecting Brazil, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, presents EMBRAPII Unit Poli/USP Powertrain, which aims to deal with the most sensitive part...

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EMBRAPII Unit of Functional Materials | CTIM/UFABC – Materials Science, Technology and Innovation Group of the Federal University of ABC

The Materials Science, Technology and Innovation Group (CTIM) has been accredited in the competence area of Functional Materials since 2020, and focuses on two sub-areas i.e. “Functional Polymers” and “Functional Surfaces and Interfaces”. The expertise of CTIM serves various...

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