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Innovation support for micro and small enterprises and individual micro entrepreneurs

Publicado em 3 maio, 2019

Small and micro entrepreneurs (SMEs) and Individual micro entrepreneurs (MEI) can already count on the benefits of the agreement between EMBRAPII and SEBRAE, which extends the limit of non-reimbursable resources for the development of industrial innovation projects. This is a great opportunity to innovate and increase the competitiveness of your business.

When contracting a project with the EMBRAPII Unit, the MEI(s) or MPE(s) will have financial support from SEBRAE complementing the amount to be invested.


Technological Development

  • Innovation projects developed in partnership with a single microenterprise, small business, individual micro entrepreneur or startups and an EMBRAPII Unit.
  • The financial contribution of SEBRAE will be up to 70% of the company’s counterpart in the project and limited to the amount of R$ 210,000.00.

Technological chaining

  • Innovation projects developed in partnership with individual micro entrepreneurs, startups, micro and small companies and medium or large enterprises in the production chain.
  • The maximum value of SEBRAE contribution, per contracted project, will be 80% of the counterpart of MEI and/or MPE, up to the limit of R$ 300,000.00.
  • The counterpart of the medium and large company which participates in the project cannot be less than 10% of the total amount of the project.


  • The entrepreneur will have available a set of institutions and teams of professionals of excellence in all stages of the project.
  • An agile and flexible R&D project development in a cooperation model.
  • Continuous flow of resources for the development of projects.
  • Possibility of increasing the complexity of RD&I projects.
  • Less cost and risk in the development of projects.

General rules
A maximum of two (2) projects may be supported by the same MPE or MEI, having these projects different scope and objectives, and the second project may only be started after the first project has been formally completed.

Projects of a company that have scope and objectives similar to other projects already executed or being executed by this company in other lines of support and/or promotion of innovation projects cannot be supported.


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