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Public Notice of the partnership with Israel has extended deadline

Publicado em maio 6, 2019

Brazilian and Israeli companies have until June, 12th, to introduce innovation projects Registrations to participate of the Public Notice of technological and economic cooperation between Brazil and Israel were extended until June, 12th. Earlier, the deadline expired on April, 18th. The signing of the partnership between the two countries was held in Jerusalem in the first week of April during the Brazil Israel Innovation Summit and aims to meet the demands of Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) of Brazilian and Israeli companies. At the time, EMBRAPII brought twelve Brazilian companies to Israel for an exchange of experiences in the innovation area with Israeli industry. Entrepreneurs participated in meetings with potential partners and business roundtables. Fifteen Israeli companies, including Cyberbit, Verint, Birad R&D, Medical Dynamics, were interested in discussing and exploring future projects. In addition to the Brazilian companies, representatives of three EMBRAPII Units (EU) were present in the delegation, where the projects will be developed: CPqD, of the Optical Communications area, Federal Institute of Ceará, with competence to operate in embedded systems and digital mobility, and Certi Foundation, which works in the Intelligent Systems area. The Cooperation Agreement between EMBRAPII (Brazilian Company for Research and Industrial Innovation) and the Innovation Authority of Israel (IIA) was signed in November, when US $ 5 million from each institution were addressed for innovation projects carried out jointly by companies from both countries in the areas of IoT (Internet of Things), Agriculture, Energy and Life Sciences. They should result in the development of a new product, new production process or industrial application service and having potential to add value to the economies of both countries. In addition to the partnership with Israel, EMBRAPII has an agreement with the Fraunhofer Institutes in Germany to promote the training of researchers and management professionals and for the exchange of scientific data. Also, with Innovate UK, an UK innovation agency, the partnership is for projects of technology development of smart cities and sustainable urban environments. Click here and access the Public Notice.


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