The Institute of Informatics of the Federal University of Goiás (INF / UFG) is a renowned institution dedicated to teaching and research in the area of Computer Science and Informatics. Since 2020, it became part of the select group of institutions accredited as EMBRAPII Unit through the Artificial Intelligence Excellence Center (Centro de Excelência em Inteligência Artificial – CEIA), which will expand its performance in the area of Artificial Intelligence on the regional, national and international stage.

Among the science labs linked to the INF/UFG, the “Deep Learning Brazil” develops R&D  projects in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and exponential technologies, and it is a national and international awarded group. In addition, it is totally financed by private companies currently holding a portfolio of customers with operation in different industrial sectors.

Relevant projects

Multinationals like HP, Dell, Facebook, Google, Intel, Microsoft and Samsung have already accomplished projects in partnership with INF/UFG. Due to its performance in R&D, the Institute has been establishing partnerships with companies like Americas Health, Copel, and iFood, and also government agencies like the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Secretariats of the Government of the States of Goiás and municipal administrations.

About CEIA

CEIA was created in partnership with the State of Goiás – FAPEG Research Support Foundation, and its mission is to provide and transfer technologies based on Artificial Intelligence, which promotes the competitiveness of public and/or private organizations. The primary focus of this initiative is the development of innovative technological solutions in sectors like healthcare, logistics, security, energy and “smart cities” in partnership with companies, ecosystem startups, and teaching and research institutions.

About Unit CEIA/UFG

Contact: Anderson da Silva Soares


Telephone: 3521-1505

Address: Alameda Palmeiras, Quadra D, Câmpus Samambaia

City: Goiânia

State: GO

Redes Embrapii

Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em IA
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em TD


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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