The Eldorado Research Institute is accredited by EMBRAPII to develop industrial innovation projects in two lines of action: Mobile Computing Devices and Supporting Devices to the Network Connectivity.

In operation since 1999, Eldorado is considered one of the largest RD&I centers in Brazil, historically dedicated to IT&Telecom. Eldorado has a client portfolio that concentrates large national and international companies and operates in four units – Brasília, Campinas, Porto Alegre and Manaus. As a reference in Brazil, the organization aims to achieve ever better results, to grow and to invest in innovation and excel in excellence.

Below, we highlighted two projects in partnership with EMBRAPII:

  • Snap Digital TV Mobile: first snap created and designed in Brazil, in a partnership of EMBRAPII, Motorola and Eldorado. The project was conducted for nine months by a team of 15 Eldorado employees who relied on the organization’s laboratory infrastructure at all stages of development, from design to prototyping, testing and validation, to the final product. Currently, the product is already available for sale in the market.
  • Module for public lighting control based on LED: characterization of an integrated circuit for application in Smart Cities, including solutions of encapsulation and development of a reference module for the application in luminaires. This project is supported by the laboratory infrastructure for integrated circuits and electromagnetic compatibility of Eldorado.

About Unit Eldorado


Contact: Nelio Antonio Teodoro de Resende


Address: Av. Alan Turing, 275, Cidade Universitária, Barão Geraldo

Postal Code: 13083-898

City: Campinas

State: SP

Redes Embrapii

Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em IA
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em TD
Rede de Inovação em Mobilidade Rota 2030


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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