The Department of Forestry Engineering (DEF) at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) is an Embrapii Unit accredited to work in Forest Fibers, focusing on:

Forest fiber production and quality;

Conversion of forest fibers into materials and products;

Conversion of forest fibers into energy and fuels.

These three areas can cover virtually all applied forest science, from silviculture to the production of goods that use forest fibers as raw materials.


The Unit has more than 15 research laboratories with excellent infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment for Research, Development, and Innovation. They are:

  • Pulp and Paper (LCP)
  • Panels and Wood Energy (LAPEM)
  • Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties (LPM)
  • Improvement and Biotechnology
  • Tissue culture
  • Forest Big Data and Quantitative Genetics
  • Forest Management
  • Biofuels
  • Forest Pathology
  • Forest Hydrology
  • Forest Ecology
  • GeoProcessing
  • Harvest and Ergonomics
  • Plant Molecular Biology


DEF-UFV is the birthplace of Forestry Engineering in Brazil, having formed innovative people and developed disruptive technologies in its 60 years of history. Public-private partnerships, mediated by SIF, have placed the department as a national reference in Forestry R&I.

SIF is an association composed of the largest forest players in Brazil and the world, and the Federal University of Viçosa, is an incredible rapprochement model between academia and the productive sector. At the EMBRAPII FIBRAS FLORESTAIS UNIT, SIF supports DEF in prospecting, establishing, hiring and managing projects with a high-performance team supporting demands in an agile and effective way.

About Unit DEF/UFV


Contact: Prof. Glêison Augusto dos Santos


Telephone: (31) 3612-3957

Address: Departamento de Engenharia Florestal Avenida Purdue, s/nº Campus Universitário Edif. Reinaldo de Jesus Araújo

Postal Code: 36570-900

City: Viçosa

State: MG

Redes Embrapii



Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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