UNIFEI – SEPAER is an EMBRAPII Unit accredited to work in the Electric Power Systems area, focusing on the subareas of Distributed Generation and Alternative Sources and Automation of Electric Power Systems.

Our team is mainly composed of the group of researchers from Electrical Engineering at UNIFEI, also having the support of some members of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, who already work in partnership in several R&D projects with industries in the sector. All of them are doctors, many with experience abroad as well.

UNIFEI has a reasonable number of technological laboratories surpassing the order of 100 installations. Of these, the UNIFEI – SEPAER unit has an infrastructure made up of some complex laboratories, such as the High Voltage Laboratory (LAT), which has the accreditation certificate from the CGCRE for carrying out the tests of the Brazilian Labeling Program (PBE) in distribution transformers immersed in insulating oil; the Energy Efficiency Center of Excellence (EXCEN), financed by Eletrobrás to develop studies, HR training and research on Energy Efficiency through PROCEL, also counting on other partners such as MME and CEMIG; the Center for Studies in Energy Quality and Electrical Protection (QMAP), a wide-ranging center for studies and research in the areas of Energy Quality, Electrical Measurement, Automation and Power Systems Protection; in addition to several testing laboratories that provide services to companies.

Our unit is located mainly in the Institute of Electrical Systems and Energy (ISEE) and also in the Institute of Systems Engineering and Information Technology (IESTI). These institutes, which are teaching, research and extension units, host courses in Electrical Engineering, essentially Electrical Power Systems, and also in Electronics and Control & Automation. They have important laboratories that will be available for RD&I projects.


Site: https://unifei.edu.br/blog/unidade-embrapii-sepaer-da-unifei-participa-de-evento-no-parque-tecnologico-de-sao-jose-dos-campos-destinado-ao-setor-de-defesa/

Contact: Anderson Luis Ribeiro de Sá

Email: embrapii@unifei.edu.br

Telephone: (35) 3629-1365

Address: Av. BPS, 1303, bairro Pinheirinho

Postal Code: 37.500-90

City: Itajubá

State: MG

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