AGROTEC – Bioeconomy in Agribusiness is the Embrapii Unit of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) accredited to work in the area of Applied Technologies with the underlines:

  • Food technology;
  • Bioinputs; and
  • Technologies for the sustainability of agribusiness.

The unit’s technical and scientific team is multidisciplinary and recognized within the national and international context. With extensive experience in developing and executing RD&I projects in bioeconomy, the team acts synergistically to deliver innovative products and processes while preparing excellent professionals to enter the job market

The main products developed by the unit are:

  • Use of peels and seeds of fruits from the cerrado;
  • Drinks with native fruits;
  • Bioinputs of bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and insecticidal properties;
  • Bioinputs for meat production;
  • Development of products and processes with by-products;
  • Shelf life extension;
  • Jellies, crystallized sweets and others;
  • Breadmaking, from fruits of the cerrado;
  • Various dairy products;
  • Quality and food safety protocols;
  • Traceability and labeling;
  • Among others.

The unit has three laboratories with different and complementary equipment:

  • Laboratory for the Purification of Proteins and their Biological Functions (LPPFB), a multi-user laboratory and three times winner of the Finep Innovation Award in the Science and Technology Institution (ICT) category;
  • Food Technology Unit (UNITAL), a technological park focused on the development and industrial processing of food;
  • Farm School (FAMEZ), an area with several laboratories focused on applied research in various areas of agribusiness

Agrotec: Bioeconomy in Agribusiness is able to serve small, medium and large companies that work with products and processes that guarantee the sustainability of the production chain.



Contact: Profa. Dra. Maria Lígia Rodrigues Macedo


Address: Av. Costa e Silva, s/nº. Bairro Universitário

Postal Code: 79070-900

City: Campo Grande

State: MS


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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