The EMBRAPII Poli USP – MCE has been operating, since 2016, in the area of Materials, Components and Systems for Eco-efficient Construction, developing innovative products and processes for industrial companies in the Civil Construction and Infrastructure production chain, integrating knowledge of materials science with practical problems of application on the industrial scale, focused on eco-efficiency and productivity gains.

It relies on a team of professors, researchers and technicians from Poli USP, with training in various areas of materials, modeling and construction techniques. It has more than 20 years of experience in conducting R&D projects with companies and consortia of companies. As necessary, the team is reinforced with external experts from Brazil and abroad, guaranteeing excellence and agility.

Through the graduate programs, the EMBRAPII Unit of Poli USP – Materials for Eco-Efficient Construction invests continuously in the development of new knowledge, concepts and ideas, generating a permanent flow of new solutions that, once they are approved, they are offered to the industry.

Among its EMBRAPII Projects of the EU Poli USP – MCE, the following can be highlighted:

  • “Design of a constructive system of fast and industrialized assembly for buildings”, developed with CMC Módulos Construtivos Ltda;
  • “Mining tailings applied in the civil construction”, in development with Vale S.A. and the Associação Instituto Tecnológico Vale.

The Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (Poli USP) has as its mission to train committed professionals to the sustainable development of the country, with social, economic and environmental responsibilities. Founded in 1893, it was incorporated by USP in 1934. Currently, Poli USP is a national reference.

Poli USP occupies nine buildings in “Cidade Universitária”, in São Paulo, in a total of 141.5 thousand m2 of built area, in which 457 teachers, 478 employees, 4,500 undergraduate students and 2,500 postgraduate students work or study.

The School has long experience in collaborative R&D projects with industry, having contracted more than US$ 40 million in the last five years. At the moment, it has two EMPBRAPII units.

The School is organized in 15 departments, responsible for teaching, research and extension services to the community. It stands out in the accomplishment of scientific and technological research, with which it contributes for the social and economic progress of the country and for the modernization, competitiveness and quality of the products and processes of the companies.

About Unit CICS Poli/USP


Contact: Eng. MSc. Gisele Sanches da Silva


Telephone: (11) 3091-4718

Address: Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, travessa 2, nº 83 - Ed. Paula Souza (Eng. Civil) - Sala S39 - Cidade Universitária

Postal Code: 05508-070

City: São Paulo

State: SP


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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