CPqD is EMBRAPII’s accredited unit since 2014 in the area of Advanced Communications, result of the recognition of technological leadership and the large number of publications, patent applications and technologies developed and licensed for the industry. It acts in the sectors: Devices and Equipment (Photonics), Physical Media (Fibres and Cables), Optical Sensors (oil and gas, utilities, mining, aeronautics, agribusiness) and Optical and Wireless Communications Integration: Communication between objects, Internet of Things (IoT), Advanced Analytics, Cognitive Computing (Speech and Vision), Blockchain.

Since then, the EMBRAPII CPqD Unit has already carried out more than 30 innovation projects for customers and partners which go well beyond the domain of network and connectivity (devices, equipment, physical media and optical sensors), also covering the domains of “devices and terminals” and embedding applications communication and intelligence capabilities, generating value with the collected data.

Highlights of two projects carried out in partnership with EMBRAPII:

  • Internet of Things: development and evolution of BLE devices (Bluetooth Low Energy) for IoT, the first manufactured in the country.
  • Smart Cities: development of low-cost weather station.

About CPqD
With more than 40 years in operation, CPqD stands out as one of the main innovation centers in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Latin America. CPqD’s technological base includes prospective topics (future technological transitions) and current market issues (connectivity, IoT, analytics and artificial intelligence), which enable the development of innovation projects aimed at the digital transformation of industry, agribusiness, cities and health, promoting new levels of efficiency and competitiveness, new experiences to customers or new business models.


Marcelo Fogolin Calori - CPqD | 7th Encounter of EMBRAPII Units

About Unit CPqD

Site: https://www.cpqd.com.br/embrapii/

Contact: Antonio Marini de Almeida

Email: amarini@cpqd.com.br

Address: Rua Doutor Ricardo Benetton Martins, 1000

Postal Code: 13086-902

City: Campinas

State: SP

Redes Embrapii

Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em IA
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em TD
Rede de Inovação em Mobilidade Rota 2030


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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