SENAI/SP – Advanced Materials is a EMBRAPII Unit accredited to develop RD&I projects in the Sustainable Materials area. Our portfolio includes the development of the following materials/processes:

Fiber Reinforced Polymers;
Thermoplastic and thermoset polymers;
Paints, resins and solvents;

The SENAI Innovation Institute is located within the SENAI Mario Amato, in São Bernardo do Campo – SP, a reference in Non-Metallic Materials, Chemistry and Environment since 1990.

It has a highly qualified technical team composed of researchers and specialists with industrial experience and exclusive dedication to RD&I activities. The unit has modern infrastructure and high-tech equipment, available to meet the technological demands of the industries.

The following competencies available at the Institute stand out:

Development of polymers and composites based on structural analysis, simulation and new formulations;

Research and development of sustainable materials with focus on their formulation, characterization, performance analysis and validation;

Development of additives and  nanomaterials aiming at new functionalities and physical-chemical characteristics of the materials;

Substitution of materials by sustainable alternatives: products with a sustainable base, eco-friendly, intelligent materials and from renewable sources.

About SENAI/SP – Advanced Materials

The Unit is part of the SENAI Innovation Institute network, which is composed of 27 institutes in Brazil. The network aims at the provision of highly complex services and RD&I in the pre-competitive phase for companies. The center has a team of researchers and specialists, dedicated to the RD&I activity, and more than 15 laboratories for the execution of projects.

About Unit SENAI/SP


Contact: Carlos Alberto Pereira Coelho


Telephone: (11) 4344-5000

Address: Rua Maria Vitória Médice Ramos, 330 - Assunção

Postal Code: 09861-000

City: São Bernardo do Campo

State: SP

Redes Embrapii

Rede de Inovação em Mobilidade Rota 2030
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em Grafeno


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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