The EMBRAPII Unit of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBA-PE) is accredited for the development of innovative technological solutions in the area of Health Technologies, in the electronic, mechanical and materials subsystems of the Industrial Health Complex. It conducts projects of medical devices and their accessories; devices for simulation, analysis and improvement of medical devices and their production processes; and equipment for use in health and its accessories.

It acts in a multidisciplinary way in this technology-based sector with the development of new equipment, devices, consumer materials and health use software, performing testing, calibration and consulting services, as well as mechanical and electronic prototyping always in accordance with technical regulations of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA), so that the final prototype is able to quickly become a product.

Of the projects carried out in partnership with EMBRAPII, it is possible to highlight:

  • The simulation system of cardiac pathologies, with the company ALGETEC.
  • New automated metrological system project for the evaluation of incubators for neonates, with the company NEOS Ltda.

The EMBRAPII Unit of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBA-PE) emerged in 2015 as a result of the actions developed by the Health Technology Center (NTS) of Salvador Campus of IFBA, which has been operating since 1997. Today, through its Medical and Clinical Engineering, Medical Physics, Health Products, Integrated Prototyping and Computational Systems laboratories, it develops products, processes and systems, and provides technological services of high added value.


Lívia Santos Simões do IFBA | 6th Encounter of Units

Lívia Santos Simões, Administrative Coordinator of EMBRAPII IFBA Pole – Federal Institute of Bahia, commented on the important advances in the development of equipment and technologies in the health area.

About Unit IFBA


Contact: Juliano Lopes


Address: Parque Tecnológico da Bahia | Rua Mundo, 121, Edf. Tecnocentro (subsolo 1)

Postal Code: 41745-715

City: Salvador

State: BA

Redes Embrapii

PPI IoT/Manufatura 4.0


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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