The Senai Institute of Innovation in Electrochemistry is accredited by EMBRAPII for assistance in the areas of Batteries, Intelligent Coatings and Electrochemical Sensors with main focus in Industrial Electrochemistry.

The Institute acts in a multidisciplinary way, encompassing market analysis, elaboration of technical and economic feasibility studies, conception, creation and validation of prototypes, whether for product or process development, where industrial electrochemistry is present, through applied research always in the areas of registered operations in agreement with EMBRAPII. It acts aligned with the needs of the industry through the articulation of the development required by this, adding value to the supply chain and consumers of the demanded technology, delivering to the customer the product or process already validated, ready for scheduling and market insertion.

Outstanding projects of ISI Eletroquímica in partnership with EMBRAPII are:

  • Technological solution for the production of lead-acid batteries EFB: Project consortium of 11 companies producing batteries.
  • Development of solid state batteries with national technology: Project with CBMM company.

About ISI Eletroquímica
Created in 2013, Senai Institute of Innovation in Electrochemistry is a private, non-profit institution of Senai – National Service of Industrial Learning. In synergy with the national Research Strategy, Development and Innovation (RD&I), ISI Eletroquímica promotes the progression of applied and pre-competitive research to increase the technological development and the industrial application of the main strategic economic activities in the national scenario.

In addition to being part of the EMBRAPII Units network, it is also part of the network of Senai Institutes of Innovation and Technology that are generators of applied research and technological consultancies, with activities aimed at promoting innovation in industry, all over Brazil.


Marcos Berton, ISI Eletroquímica | 7th Encounter of Units

About Unit ISI Eletrochemistry


Contact: Paulo Roberto Marangoni


Address: Av. Comendador Franco, 1341 - Jardim Botânico

Postal Code: 80215-090

City: Curitiba

State: PR

Redes Embrapii

Rede de Inovação em Mobilidade Rota 2030
Rede MCTI EMBRAPII de Inovação em Grafeno


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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