CCM-ITA is an EMBRAPII Unit accredited to develop projects in the field of Power Transmission Systems, with a multidisciplinary and integrative mindset in the areas of Design, Manufacturing and Monitoring and Control of Transmission Systems.

Since 2006, CCM-ITA has conducted 104 R&D projects in cooperation with industry. Among others, we highlight the cooperative experiences with: General Motors, FCA, Mercedes-Benz, Eaton, ZF and ZEN (automotive); Petrobras (oil and gas); Embraer and Akaer (aeronautics); SEW Eurodrive, Gerdau, Stackpole, Höganäs and ArcelorMittal (metalworks); Braskem (petrochemical); Rio Energy and Eolic Future (wind energy), representing a wide range of Brazilian and multinational companies from different sectors.

The available infrastructure consists of a wide range of equipment related to manufacturing technologies, automation and robotics, validation of mechanical behavior and metrology from surface inspection to large volumes monitoring.

We highlight the following special equipment for the improvement of Transmission Systems:

  • Power recirculation test rig for gear testing: in its level of precision and control, it is unique in South America. It allows the evaluation of durability, torque efficiency, NVH and thermal dissipation in a wide range of torque and speed;
  • Rolling contact fatigue test rig (Ball-rod concept);
  • Gear bending test device: to impose cyclic loading that induce fracture in the gear tooth root;
  • Software: CCM-ITA has licenses for industrial application projects of the following gear software: ProGear, KissSoft and is the only center in Latin America licensed to use the WZL Gear Toolbox (SpartaPro, GearGrind3D, Zako3D, BevelCut and GearGenerator);
  • Test rig for testing drive shafts, which allows bending and torsion tests of the samples.

The Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) is a public institution of higher education maintained by the Brazilian Air Force and located in the city of São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo.  ITA has always had a close relationship with the Brazilian industrial sector, and its remarkable history goes beyond the aeronautical sector. Besides being considered the birthplace of EMBRAER, in the 1970s, ITA engineers had a pioneering role in the development of the first ethanol engines for the viability of an important program focused on the automotive sector, the PROALCOOL.

About Unit CCM/ITA


Contact: Prof. Dr. Ronnie Rego


Telephone: (12) 3947-6948

Address: Praça Mal. Eduardo Gomes, 50

Postal Code: 12228-900

City: São José dos Campos

State: SP

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