Embrapa Agroenergia is accredited by EMBRAPII to develop projects in partnership with the industrial sector in biotechnology with a focus on renewable biochemistry.

It is a research and innovation center dedicated to developing innovative technological solutions for the efficient and sustainable conversion of biomass into biofuels, chemicals and renewable source materials. The business model is focused on the generation of pre-technological and technological assets for insertion in the innovation market. To do so, they adopt an open innovation model, which allows negotiating developed technologies, as well as cooperating with public and private institutions and companies, aiming the joint development of technological solutions.

Highlights of three projects already carried out in partnership with EMBRAPII:

  • Production of commercial varieties of transgenic sugarcane to increase biomass and the production of 1G and 2G ethanol from the transfer of genes that confer resistance to the herbicide glyphosate and pest insects.
  • Prospecting of extracts and bioactive compounds of fungi and plants for application in the control of phytonematoids.
  • Production of vegetable bio stimulants derived from macro algae or cyanobacteria.

About Embrapa Agroenergia
Created in 2006, Embrapa Agroenergia, one of the units of the Brazilian Company of Agricultural Research/Embrapa, is a public company that operates in the research and innovation segments. It acts directly in the development of technologies through four strategic axes: biomass for industrial purposes, industrial biotechnology, biomaterials and renewable chemicals.

About Unit Embrapa Agroenergia

Site: https://www.embrapa.br/agroenergia/embrapii

Contact: Clelma Linhares

Email: cnpae.embrapii@embrapa.br

Address: Parque Estação Biológica - PqEB s/nº

Postal Code: 70770-901

City: Brasília

State: DF

Acting Areas


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações

Ministério da Educação

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